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Workers’ Compensation
An injury at work can lead to severe financial strain to you and your family – loss of wages, medical, physiotherapy and pharmaceutical bills just to name a few. Workers’ compensation laws can be complex and difficult to understand, so you need to obtain the best advice about your rights and entitlements. Murdoch Clarke has a number of senior practitioners each with over 20 years experience in the workers’ compensation area, so contact Murdoch Clarke to ensure you know where you stand.
Making A Claim
If you are injured at work you should tell your employer about the injury and how it occurred as soon as you can. You should also complete a claim form and give that to your employer with any medical certificate. Strict time frames apply to making a claim.
What Can You Obtain?
If you have a work injury you can be paid :
- weekly compensation (wages) for your time off work;
- your medical expenses;
- rehabilitation expenses;
- housekeeping;
- pharmaceuticals;
- other benefits including a lump sum for any permanent impairment suffered.
The Workers’ Rehabilitation and Compensation Tribunal
The Tribunal is there to determine disputes about workers’ compensation payments. Usually cases are determined by a single Commissioner.
Common Law Negligence Claims
In some cases when serious injury has been suffered, you may be able to pursue a common law claim if that injury has been caused by the negligence of your employer or a fellow worker. Strict procedures and time limits apply.